20th  USAWest Square Dance Convention Albuquerque, NM. 
 July 26-29, 2023.   Lift off & Float on Down to New Mexico!

Hilton Garden Inn

Albuquerque Uptown

200 yards from Host Hotel for the USAWest convention.

Hilton Garden Inn
6510 Americas Pkwy, 
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Guest Room Rate $142.00, plus applicable taxes and fees

Reservations can be made by call-in.

  • Please call 1-800-HILTONS or (505) 944-0300 to make your reservations.
  • Please to request the Group rate for USA West Square Dance Convention.

 Reservations also may be made on-line through the reservation page on the hotel website, 

All reservations must be made prior to event start date, or by July 5, 2023

  • Looking for a roommate?

    Share the expense of the 20th USAWest Convention.